Focus T25: Get it DONE in just 25 Minutes a Day!

With the busy lifestyles we all lead, it’s easy to overlook one vital thing: OUR HEALTH. I know a lot of us have stressful jobs, children, elderly parents or grandparents we take care of and probably a million other different things we all deal with on a daily basis. All these things added up together may end up resulting in poor nutrition (ex: grabbing some fast food instead of cooking a healthy meal) and little to no exercise. Over time, the pounds start to add up, your health starts to decline and before you know it, you may have a big problem. A problem that can affect all aspects of your life. Poor nutrition and lack of exercise may cause you to feel tired, have a lack of focus, and not enough energy to keep up with your kids or daily demands. I propose a possible solution.

Starting on August 1st, Beachbody has put their Focus T25 Challenge Pack on sale for only $180 down from the regular price of $205. What is T25? It’s a fitness program that fits into anybody’s busy schedule. Only 25 minute workouts 5 days a week! On top of that, it comes with a nutrition guide that tells you what you should eat on the program. The recipes are quick and easy to prepare. I completed the Alpha portion of T25 last year and lost 10 pounds in just the first 5 weeks! I love Shaun T, he is one of my favorite Beachbody trainers. You may know him as the creator of Insanity, which is quite possibly the hardest workout ever put on DVD. Shaun T is a great motivator. He keeps you going and encourages you to just give that extra bit more when you think you’ve got nothing left!

T25 is a program perfect for those of us who like to use the excuse “I have no time to work out”. I’m sure that even the busiest of us can put aside just 25 minutes per day to help improve our heath and fitness if we are serious about wanting to do it.


In just 25 minutes a day and one Shakeology shake per day, you can achieve results like these individuals below if you really put your mind to it! Plus, with my support as your Beachbody coach and the added motivation of other participants in the challenge group doing this program with you, we will not let you fail or give up on yourself! Just think, 10 weeks from now your body can look totally different! The sooner you start, the sooner you will see results.

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Now, just because the workouts are only 25 minutes doesn’t mean Shaun T lets you off the hook easy without making you break a sweat! Less time working out does not mean less intensity with T25. You work hard all 25 minutes of your workouts, from start to finish. The workouts are fun, engaging and different each day and if you are a beginner, don’t worry. There is a modification for each move that you can follow until you build up the strength to do the move on your own. In total, T25 is 10 weeks long. The Alpha Phase is 5 weeks long, and the Beta Phase is 5 weeks long. Here’s the breakdown of what you will receive in your T25 Challenge pack:

t25cpIn your challenge pack you will receive:

  • 10 High-Intensity 25-Minute Workouts:
    • Cardio- A progressive cardio workout that’ll have you burning fat and dripping sweat in just 25 minutes. No equipment necessary.
    • Speed 1.0- A fast paced cardio workout that improves your speed and agility and focuses on stretching, stability, and sweat. It’s your foundation for all the Speed workouts. No equipment necessary.
    • Total Body Circuit- Cardio-based strength workout. No equipment needed.
    • Ab Intervals- Get a shredded core with this interval-based fat-burning routine. Equipment: Beachbody miniMat
    • Lower Focus- Strengthen and sculpt muscles from the waist down with this lower-body burnout. No equipment necessary.
    • Core Cardio- A progressive cardio workout focusing on the core. You’ll know you stepped into the BETA phase of the program once you get through this workout. Equipment: Beachbody miniMAT
    • Speed 2.0- You mastered the basics in Speed 1.0, now Shaun picks up the pace and throws in some new Speed moves! No equipment needed.
    • Rip’t Circuit- Cardio, upper body, legs,abs: Repeat. That’s how Shaun T gets you ripped in 25 minutes. Equipment: Dumbbells or Resistance Bands, Beachbody miniMAT.
    • Dynamic Core- Shaun takes you from vertical to horizontal in this dynamic, crazy core workout. Equipment: Beachbody miniMAT
    • Upper Focus- You’ll work everything above the waist in this upper-body strength building routine. Equipment: Dumbbells or Resistance Bands
  • Quick-Start Guide. Hit the ground running with this step-by-step guide for how to achieve your best results.
  • Get It Done Nutrition Guide. Helps make eating simple too! 5 meals a day, 5 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep. It’s that simple.
  • ALPHA-BETA Workout Calendars. Shaun gives you each day’s workout so there’s no guesswork. All you have to do is nail it!
  • Stretch Workout. After 5 days of hard work, stretch it out—and enjoy this one! You deserve it.
  • 5-Day Fast Track. Get a jump start on your weight loss with this 5-day meal plan. It’s not easy but it works!
  • 24/7 Online Support. Stay motivated with ’round-the-clock access to fitness experts and peer support.
  • Exclusive Bonus Workout. Push hard, burn fat, and get shredded in record time with the FREE bonus workout DVD Core Speed (a $19.95 value) when you order FOCUS T25 through your Coach, which would be ME 🙂


  • A 30-Day Supply of Shakeology—The Healthiest Meal of the Day (a $129.95 value)
    Simplify your nutrition with the convenient and delicious daily superfood protein shake that helps give you energy for your workouts, reduces junk-food cravings, and may help you reach your fitness goals faster. A nutrient-dense combination of antioxidants, phytonutrients, adaptogens, and many other rare ingredients gives your body superfoods you can’t get from a normal diet. 100% vegan option now available. You get to pick from a variety of flavors including chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and greenberry.

Aside from all these things mentioned above, you will also receive ME as your FREE Beachbody coach! I will offer you support, accountability and add you to my T25 Challenge group on Facebook where you can communicate with other challengers doing the same program and help keep one another motivated throughout your T25 journey! If you would like to join my challenge group and commit to completing this amazing program, just fill out the form below to be considered for my next challenge group and I will contact you!

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